"No reason"
Those 2 words spoken several times during the opening monologue are the defining reason why this movie is so marvelously different.
Let me give you the synopsis: a rubber tire, apparently named Robert, comes mysteriously to life in the desert and starts killing using its telepathic powers.
Yes, you read that right.
That bird's in trouble.
As well as that, there are quite a few other things in the movie that defy explanation; that happen for no reason.
Therein lies the beauty of this film.
As in the beginning of the excellent game Alan Wake, Alan quotes Stephen King thus, "Stephen King once wrote that nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations. They're antithetical to the poetry of fear. In a horror story, the victim keeps asking why. But there can be no explanation, and there shouldn't be one. The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest., and it's what we'll remember in the end."
Gee, I wonder who started that fire.
When you first see this film, don't expect... well, don't expect anything. Instead, listen to the opening monologue. Listen well and it will be the path to viewing this movie from the proper perspective and frame of mind.
Is Rubber really a horror film in the true sense of the word? It could be. But I think that would be unfairly pigeonholing it. It certainly does have elements of horror. Horror, comedy, avant-garde, sci-fi, suspense, all these styles and elements are in there as well. But when I look at the movie as a whole, I see it as a wonderfully refreshing and experimental film, gleefully kicking Hollywood in the nuts.
The big chase scene!
The effects are not of the multimillion-dollar style. Nor are they the cheesy sy-fy channel style. They are what they need to be. And they work just fine.
The acting was surprisingly good. I think it's hard to come across with a believable projection in such an off the wall film, but the actors did an exemplary job. I can't recall one stiff or unenthusiastic or unbelievable performance. Quite a feat in a movie such as Rubber.
Why yes, that is Robert going into a motel room with a girl.
It's hard to explain much about this movie. Not due to spoilers, but more in trying to give a coherent and clear explanation to something that is neither coherent or clear. And is not meant to be. All i know is that i enjoyed it immensely. And in the end, that's what counts. Don't you agree?
If you are the type of person that needs answers, explanations, cleanly wrapped up ending, and no loose ends, please move on. Trust me.
Robert relaxing.
If you are the type of person who can appreciate a movie for its originality and not question it too closely, then by all means, see this film!
Why did the the tire come to life? How did it end up with telepathic powers? Why does it kill? Why are there people with binoculars watching the story unfold? I have no idea. Maybe there's no reason.
RUBBER: www.rubberthemovie.com
Absolutely brilliant of you to review this movie. We are of like mind in that we like out of the ordinary movies. We're putting this one on our queue of films to watch. You may want to watch Lucio Fulci's "The Beyond."